Jenny: Welcome to another episode of Facial Aesthetics Unmasked. Today we are kinda talking about a fun topic. I feel like there’s a lot with Botox and just plastic surgery in general that women can sometimes be shamed for and I think that’s changing a little bit. So we are talking about Botox, plastic surgery, a phenomenon… that’s kind of a hard word to say. A phenomenon of empowerment, not insecurity.
Reagan: Great job, Jenny. Excellent work.
Jenny: Thank you. So yeah, I recently listened to a podcast or saw an article… I feel like I’ve seen a couple… where and I can’t remember who it was but they were talking about they feel that women who get plastic surgery or have these procedures done are often lower class, they often have insecurities that they are trying to fix… I there’s just a lot of stigmas out there that I think are changing and are not true to what we see typically day to day.
Reagan: Well who doesn’t have insecurities? Like I don’t care what class you are, we all have insecurities.
Nicea: Whether you’ve had things done of not, you have them.
Reagan: Right!
Nicea: I like to believe Giselle has them.
Jenny: Absolutely!
Nicea: I don’t think she does but.. I think she does. That’s nice to believe that.
Jenny: I think every woman does.
Nicea: No, I do. I think Giselle looks in the mirror and she’s something that we have no idea what she is talking about. But, I do think it is so personal and it’s so about what you see. For someone to say, “that’s ridiculous”. I don’t see that.
Jenny: Right.
Nicea: I think it’s unfair.
Reagan: Dr. Thompson, do you think it is changing that people are getting a little more secure with I would do a little bit of this or a little bit of that?
Dr. Thompson: Yeah, I do. And I think that, you know, people’s motivations for doing things are not often… often now a result of an insecurity. It’s purely something that they see or that they notice. And sometimes it is an insecurity. I mean I saw a guy today in my office that came in for a rhinoplasty consult and he said, I’ve been called, Gonzo my whole lift, ever since I was a teenager and ever since I was in junior high. And he said. I just absolutely hate my nose. And now I’m… I have a job and I have an income and I want to do something about this. And so yeah, i do see things like that and I don’t think it’s specific to men or women and I don’t think women motivation is always and insecurity or they’re trying to please someone else or be more attractive to someone else. I think sometimes it’s purely something that they’re bothered by and it’s not necessarily and insecurity. Again, a girl I saw in my office today she came in, you know, teenage girl. One ear sticks out quite a bit more than the other ear does. And you know, maybe no one has ever said anything to her but she sees an imbalance. She says, you know what, I think it would really look better if this year was back like the other side and I agree with her. And that’s something I can do for her and it’s an easy thing to do and it can make a huge difference. And it’s no different than doing you hair. It’s no different than putting braces on your teeth so that when you smile, they’ll be attractive and straight.
Nicea: I like that you said men and women. What do you see with patients though? Are men… oh gosh like you said it’s the same. I feel like men maybe don’t talk about wanting things done as much as we do. Or do we worry really about it more than men when you see patients.
Dr. Thompson: Yeah, there really is a big difference between men and women and you know and even in the category of men and women. There are huge different among men and huge differences among women. You know, I think women tend to be more aware of their appearance and the way they are presenting themselves to others. And probably should be more aware than they are a lot of times. I probably fall in that category myself. If I weren’t in this specialty I probably would never had Botox.
Jenny: Although hair… hair loss.
Dr. Thompson: Hair’s a different story.
Jenny: Men are…
Reagan: Women talk about it more. That’s the thing.
Jenny: Yeah, they’re more open about it.
Reagan: Women get together and they talk about it more. I think sometimes women can support each other with.. I understand why you want to do that. I think that’s okay. I think men don’t get in a group and talk about those things.
Jenny: and talk about their appearance.
Dr. Thompson: If they do they’re not talking about those things.
Reagan: They’re not talking about those things. Well, you’re afraid to do it and your friends are like, why do you care?!
Jenny: Yeah!
Reagan: And I think it’s interesting because I did the under-eye pinch, right. So I did that and I was talking to a man and told him that I did it. Well, he had one eye that had always bugged him. And it had that… I mean it was definitely different than his other eye and he came and saw you and had it fixed and I said I’m so happy that you did that. Why did you do that? And he said, because you said, if you don’t like it, fix it. If you don’t like it, change it!
Jenny: And there’s easy fixes now that’s something you can do in the office.
Reagan: And it’s so easy!
Jenny: It’s not like you’re going in for this overhaul.
Reagan: And the recovery is so simple. And sometimes people… well, most of the time nobody even knows you did it. You just look like you went on vacation.
Jenny: Exactly.
Nicea: I do think things are changing… I think social media. We can jump into social media.. a little bit later, and how that has changed some of our mindsets and how we view ourselves. But, I don’t think it has totally changed. Especially in our business. Where men age gracefully and they distinguish and don’t you look good with gray hair and those lines. And women they’re like oh, look at her… oh… time has not been kind.
Reagan: you look tired…
Nicea: And we hear that all the time. An age limit in our business I mean it’s 40’s-50’s. Where as men, if they’re not doing this in their 70’s, where’d you go? So yeah, I do. I hate that discrepancy. I think it’s moving on a more positive path but I think it’s still out there. With that being said, my husband. who right, your wife loves Dr. Thompson and goes in so you better come on in with me. The things with his eyes, Scott like really couldn’t see. But, didn’t want to have it done because then, do I tell people? Do I not tell people?
Jenny: Will they notice.
Nicea: I’m a guy, but I had that done. And he struggled with that.
Dr. Thompson: Yeah, it’s different with guys. It really is.
Jenny: Yeah…
Nicea: He was comfortable though with it being truly for a medical reason, right. Because he really couldn’t see. I mean, his eyes looked closed… when he… like family pictures he was trying to look but he was a deer in headlights.
Jenny: He looked surprised.
Nicea: Right, surprise! Family pictures. Surprise. and he said I can’t see the camera.
Jenny: Sad!
Reagan: What are most men doing?
Dr. Thompson: Um… I would say for our practice. Jenny mentioned hair. Hair is a big one. and I see people that are 19 or 20 that come in and say…
Jenny: They’re distraught.
Dr. Thompson: I think I’m starting to lose my hair a little bit. And you know, other they see it happening and they know it’s going to happen and it happened in their family and they’re not too bothered by it. But there are others that they are on it, immediately as soon as they see it. And look at them and I’m like it looks totally normal to me, I can’t see anything. But they said no, this is receding, this is thinning, this is different.
Reagan: Those are the narcissists. That’s who that is… I’m just kidding.
Dr. Thompson: Yeah, yeah, but there are a lot… I say you know, that’s gotta be one of the top things we see…
Jenny: Yeah and they’re men that even like my husband… He doesn’t really care if you know about his appearance, he doesn’t really think about it a whole lot. Of course, he like to present himself well but the hair is a sensitive topic. Like losing hair, I think that’s just like more sensitive for men than other parts of their appearance.
Nicea: I’m going to jump in on my husband again. I know he’ll be thrilled…
Jenny: I know my husband will be too.
Nicea: Hopefully he does not know what a podcast is and does not listen to one.
Dr. Thompson: Then there’s no risk that he’s going to hear this.
Nicea: I’m crossing my fingers that I am not Joe Rogan, I’m not talking sports or UFC. So… he’s not tuning in.
Reagan: It’s perfect. You’re in the clear.
Nicea: But this is something. He is the oldest boy in his family, he has two younger brothers that both at Christmas, and he said their hair is gone. This is two years ago. He said their hair is gone. And we had talked to Dr. Thompson about it in the past, and what are the options. And I think for him too. But I’m a guy, I’m a manly man. Is this what you do? And I can’t tell you how much… how many compliments, how many times he talked about this with other guys. Which it’s a crack up to me. It’s a party topic now and I’ve heard, Scott’s hair! Look at my hair, look at my hair. Dr. Thompson. Like before….
Jenny: He’s your party trick now.
Nicea: when he was like should I talk about it? And now he’s like everyone should do it! Everyone!
Reagan: No he really does. I can’t tell you guys that I think would never have talked about that are like what did Scott do to his hair?
Jenny: Because it looks natural.
Nicea: Because it looks natural! It just looks… again that’s what I do like about Dr. Thompson. It’s not like you put your hair, which is amazing and thick and full. I mean it’s enough where Scott got his youthful look back without looking like wait, what did you have done? It’s so subtle that way.
Reagan: It reminds me of B52’s… what’s that on your hair? A wig!
Nicea: Nope, it doesn’t look like that. It’s Scott’s actual hair. He had this blond surfer bang in hair school, which when he was 17 standing by my locker… I swear I was like hey, stop right there. And we don’t have the blond bang back but…
Jenny: I was going to say… he could.
Nicea: He could. He looks absolutely amazing. That whole year, it just got better and better. His confidence is different. I see it, I hear him talk about it. I think it made a huge difference for Scott. We can say this isn’t about self-esteem… I think for everyone…
Jenny: For everyone it is…It’s like putting on makeup.
Reagan: It’s a side effect anyway. If you didn’t like it or whatever.
Nicea: Whatever you do, it definitely makes you feel more confident.
Dr. Thompson: Yeah. It’s a self-conscious self-esteem issue with a lot of cases, you are absolutely right.
Reagan: Yes! Well, there are more options now too than there have ever been before, right? I think more like a long time ago we were going gosh… I remember my mom’s… I’m having flashbacks. My moms plastic surgery when I was in high school and she was 40, like 41 I think. and the husband at the time decided that she needed to look younger and she didn’t need a full facelift… But the doctor…
Jenny: That’s just what they did.
Reagan: that’s what they did. I mean they didn’t do a half or a this or just the eyes. And you’ve seen the movie mask?
Jenny: Yes.
Reagan: That’s what she looked like for a long time.
Jenny: Aw… bless her heart. Which old techniques are different today. You can speak to that versus you know, like windblown look.
Reagan: This was 33 years ago. So…yes. We aren’t going to do that anymore. It scared me…
Dr. Thompson: Surgery, everything else has continued to change and advance. Even a facelift which has been around for you know, decades and decades. Every time I go to a meeting there are new things we are talking about and new techniques and how do we make this look natural and how do we… you know, one of the big changes that’s coming to the conversation in the last 15 years maybe is volume. It was always you know, we got to lift this face up and get it tight again. But the reality is a youthful face is not tight, its full and it’s soft and its pliable. So, it’s not about tightness a lot of times it’s about yeah, lifting and repositioning but then the volume pieces was never part of the conversation when your mom had her facelift.
Reagan: No.
Dr. Thompson: Nobody even realized that oh yeah, there’s deflation thats happening in the face. Nobody had any clue about that.
Reagan: I don’t remember filler of any of that back then. I don’t think it existed.
Dr. Thompson: It didn’t exist yet. Well in college it came around at some point. But yeah, fillers that was an entirely new world. Botox didn’t exists until… I don’t know what it is but a few decades ago. Is when it kind of came on to the scenes.
Nicea: Do you remember when you first came on the show and said that I know what side of the bed you always sleep on? I know what side you roll to.
Dr. Thompson: I do not remember that.
Nicea: Because we were discussing.. I said, when I lose weight my face thins out and you said, I also can tell what side because you probably favor the right side. And I said, how do you know? And you said, because it’s crazy how it deflates as you age and then you favor that side or you drive all the time and there’s this side that you see. I didn’t know what I didn’t like about that side but it was asymmetrical to the other and actually again.. Scott, hopefully you’re not listening. So it’s the side he’s not on because any sort of turn to him is an invitation. So I’ve learned just go to the right, go to the right.
Reagan: You know what she says though? She’s so funny… Shell look in the mirror sometimes and shell go Dr. Thompson needs to build the right side of my face again. Its gone, it’s gone. It’s gone. He needs to build it back up.
Jenny: And it’s not like you hate yourself.
Reagan: It’s just that we know ourselves.
Jenny: Yeah and you go oh, there’s something I can do.
Nicea: And I laugh but I feel like I have some serious things to say about that. Because I’ve been shamed.
Jenny: Yes!
Nicea: I’ve been shamed for doing this and… I have been shamed for gosh. It started when I had implants, breast implants years ago. I mean that was how many years ago that we did that? 13 years ago. It was on a topic on a radio that I must not love myself enough to be who I am.
Jenny: It’s awful. You’re just restoring what you had…
Nicea: At the time being my feelings were so hurt. Like this somehow was related to my mental state. And that rather than I had two babies and went from a big C to an A. And wanted to do something for me to put my proportions back and suddenly it became something about my vanity.
Jenny: Yeah.
Reagan: And I wanted to run someone over. I was mad.
Nicea: Thank you. I think you tried to actually.
Reagan: I think I did.
Nicea: That radio DJ. She was upset.
Reagan: She was upset and I was upset for a long time, I couldn’t take it.
Nicea: i still… I was looking that other day and I was in Disneyland reporting on something the new park… the new Star Wars land. And I had time to go through Facebook and I hadn’t had time to go through it in a long time. I saw this comment several months ago and it said, “What happened to Nicea?” On our Good Things Utah Facebook page and it said she looks nothing like herself anymore, she’s trying so hard and injecting too much. And then someone else weighed in and said, “ Isn’t sad that she can’t just embrace who she is and be herself, isn’t it sad what she’s gone to?”
Jenny: Oh my gosh.
Nicea: I… It’s so funny we say we have thick skins, we say that if you are in this business that’s who you have to be. I, it totally hurt my feelings in the happiest place on earth. Because for you to say… I don’t… I’m not me or I don’t… somehow something is wrong with me and what happened to her. I would look in the mirror and say this would make me confident, this is what I want to do has nothing to do with vanity. Has nothing to do with making myself look something different than who I am to impress you or whoever out there. This… I hate that misconception about what you two do and what Regan and I come in for. Because it’s not fair. You don’t know someones story. You don’t know what they see in the mirror. You don’t know what this does for them. And to sit back and go I would never, I respect i would never. So respect I would. It goes both ways.
Jenny: Hmmm… I think thats a good point. And we talked about this. I think you get a lot of that because you’re open about it. There’s so many people that do these things that aren’t open about it. And therefore they don’t get judged. But at the same time women look at them you know, Jennifer Lopez or something people that aren’t open about it and people are like why cant I look like that at 50? She’s not doing anything. I think it’s not fair.
Reagan: I think we have evolved from that, Jenny. I think we have evolved. A long time ago we wouldn’t have. And because I think we feel more confident and not apologetic we want to own everything we do just because we can and feel confident about it. I think we’ve come a long way just us, I know we have. In probably the last ten years.
Jenny: Which women appreciate because they’re not like why don’t I look like that naturally? They know that you are doing something, that’s why.
Nicea: I even had a what example are you to your teenage daughters… That you just can’t age and…
Jenny: Oh gosh…
Dr. Thompson: Really?
Nicea: I’ve had that and it’s so frustrating to me.
Dr. Thompson: To me, it’s a really good example that you are setting for your teenage daughter… keep going please.
Jenny: You’re taking care of yourself.
Nicea: Well, how I feel on the inside… why can’t the outside reflect that. 40 is not what 40 issued to be. 50 is not what 50 used to be. 60, 70… this is a new time. This is not your grandmother’s 50 or 45. Anymore.
Dr. Thompson: If you came to work with frumpy clothes and you didn’t do your hair and you looked like you just got up wouldn’t people say, “ what lessons are you teaching your daughters by not looking your best.
Nicea: Or what happened or taking care of yourself.
Dr. Thompson: Or taking care of yourself. I mean you’re taking care of yourself that should be applauded and celebrated.
Jenny: And you’re not overdoing it. I think it can be overdone and then maybe you might be judged a little bit if it is out of control and it’s what you are doing to fill a void. Which we try to kind of weed out…
Reagan: Is that called something? Is that called…
Nicea: They have they actually turned that into a condition.
Reagan: Where people want too much… is that what you’re talking about?
Jenny: Body dysmorphia.
Dr. Thompson: Yeah… it’s body dysmorphic disorder.
Jenny: There’s even Snapchat dysmorphia where people come in and want to look like their Snapchat fillers and…
Reagan: Do you hear that in Utah? Do you hear heres Kim Kardashain. Here’s this Snapchat filter. This is what I want to look like.
Dr. Thompson: Occasionally… and you know part of my job is education. And you know, back to your comment about people judging you for what you’re doing. I think it’s our job not to be judgmental as a practitioner but also as fellow human beings. And you know, sometimes I have somebody come in that is clearly a male and they want to look more like a female. And I think this is tough because this doesn’t really work but I try not to be judgmental in the way that I approach that person. And maybe there are things I can’t do to help that person but I don’t think it’s our job to say what happened to Nicea. That’s just so… I think it’s judgmental and so wrong.
Nicea: Well… who… I mean you don’t know what that person sees in the mirror. It’s so individual and you don’t know how they feel. My mother like my mother is 83 years old now and she’s cute. I said my, when did you start feeling old? And she said 80 hit me hard. 80 just hit me hard. But my mom will say frequently and I’ve told you this. I don’t know who that is in the mirror because that’s not how I feel.
Jenny: And we hear that.
Dr. Thompson: I hear that every single day.
Reagan: Don’t you feel like that?
Jenny: Yes! They don’t recognize themselves.
Reagan: I look down at my hands and I’m my mother.
Nicea: Like who is that?!
Reagan: I’m my mother or my grandmother so aging does happen.
Nicea: But pictures she won’t be in them because that’s not me. That couldn’t be. That’s not how I feel. I will tell you right now my mom has all the acceptance of herself in the world but for me… My mom has chosen to not do anything, she’s 83 years old. For me I want to look in the mirror and have it reflect in a way how I feel at 46.
Reagan: Oh, I love it. That leads me to my mom’s story. The last time she did a little… she lives in Texas. Last time she did a little something I said, what are you doing mom? And she said, “ You know what I think I’m gonna do something on my lower something.” And I said okay. What, why? And she said, “ Because in pictures I just look sad. I look sad and I am the happiest person you will ever know.”So she didn’t like that she looked like she was frowning…
Jenny: Yeah.
Reagan: In pictures and she said I don’t want to go outside to reflect how I feel on the inside so I’m doing about it.
Nicea: I like that when you get this girl to Texas, that’s how she talks as well.
Dr. Thompson: Oh, I would love to hear that.
Reagan: It happens…
Jenny: We need a Texas office.
Nicea: I am not kidding. It was like my jaw dropped because she suddenly pauses in between words.
Reagan: I lost it. I lost it along the way. Until I was like 18 this is how I talked.
Nicea: Oh, you bring it back.
Reagan: Right after I get off the phone with mama bear. There it is. No, but I just I thought of her saying I just want to look like I feel. And I think that’s why a lot of people do a little something.
Nicea: And there’s nothing wrong with it.
Reagan: No, nothing wrong with it. Do having said all of that I think even though you got that horrible email, I hate it. I think there is less stigma. I think there are more people wanting to share, wanting to talk about what they do, wanting to support it. Here and there.
Nicea: It is funny how it is still a headline. “Kelly Ripa says she uses Botox.”
Dr. Thompson: Yeah.
Jenny: And it’s like uh, yeah.
Nicea: And it’s still a headline.
Jenny: Most celebrities use Botox whether they admit it or not.
Nicea: Are more celebrities admitting it do you think? Is it the Kim Kardashian effect?
Jenny: Probably. Like Kylie Jenner basically having to admit that she had injections.
Nicea: But she didn’t admit it for a long time.
Jenny: She had to because girls were popping capillaries in their lips trying to do the bottle…
Nicea: The challenge.
Reagan: Have you seen there is a picture on the internet it’s Kylie and it says this is the kind of puberty I want and it’s her picture like 13 and then her now and it doesn’t even look like the same human.
Jenny: Yeah.
Reagan: So I think you can take it too far.
Jenny: You can take it too far.
Reagan: I mean do you have a lot of people that do want to take it too far? Or is it usually pretty reasonable?
Dr. Thompson: Um, it is usually pretty reasonable. And I hear so often, in fact every day people saying and I can see just by looking in their eyes and seeing the way they’re dressed and seeing the way they act they are into life and they love life and they’re energetic and they’re happy. And they really do look tired and they really do look angry or like they’re older.
Jenny: And they’re like I never thought I would be here.
Dr. Thompson: Yeah, I hear that all the time. I always said I was going to age gracefully and I was never going to be here but I really don’t like this. And I do hear that every single day. Today again I had a lady in that was in her late 30’s. And she said I have jowls and I have this loose neck. And I looked at her and I said yeah, you do have that. It’s early but you do have that and it’s probably a genetic thing. It’ something that you are have in your family. She said yeah, it’s a genetic thing and it really bothers me a lot. And I was actually surprised that she was in her 30’s because I thought her lower face looked a little older than 30’s. Her upper face looked like she was a college student. But this down here and so there are people that say 30 is too young to have a facelift but I don’t say that. I say if you have something happening it doesn’t matter what your age is. If you have jowls, you know you probably had early jowls in your 20’s so maybe a facelift is appropriate for you in your thirties. And she is going to have a facelift and I know she is going to look incredible with a facelift because this lower face really does age her and her upper face is so youthful and so beautiful.
Reagan: Now it will match.
Dr. Thompson: it will match and it will be really a life changing thing for her. And everyone else will look at her and go wow she looks really good. What happened or did you lose weight or whatever.
Jenny: No one will know…
Dr. Thompson: They wont know because people don’t focus on those things. It’s usually individual….
Nicea: I think it’s you who defines aging gracefully all on your own. You define it. Whatever that means to you. I don’t think there’s this blanket standard of being in a rocking chair and look at me over here aging gracefully. I think that that doesn’t… That’s not the case anymore. And your right it is changing. I think there are a couple people out there holding on going no, this is the standard of aging gracefully.
Reagan: I like to say I’m going down hard.
Jenny: Yeah!
Reagan: Or not.
Jenny: Going down fighting.
Reagan: I am going down hard.
Dr. Thompson: I’ve got to tell you another one… this was yesterday. This older lady, 85 was in my office and she and her really cute husband were in there and…
Jenny: Aw, these 2 are cute.
Dr. Thompson: Right before I went in my assistant Brit she said she’s 85. I said ok, so we walked in there and a pretty energetic 85 year old lady and her husband right there with her. She really did look like everything’s falling to the floor.
Nicea: Because 80 hits you hard.
Dr. Thompson: 80 hits you hard.
Nicea: It does. It does.
Dr. Thompson: But she’s like I just down like these jowls and she gave herself a little light tug on her face. And she said if I look like this that would be great. And she still had this very heavy massive neck and all these other things and she said no matter what, I don’t want to look like Phyllis Diller. And I was like okay. So we are going to do a nice little tuck up for her and that’s appropriate for her. And most people will not notice anything that she did but she will. Those jowls will be lifting and she will be excited.
Jenny: They were the sweetest little couple. I remember when I started working for you years ago like 15 years ago or whatever… I had somebody say to me oh, what is it like working with those kind of people? Like just assuming everybody that comes in…
Nicea: are just superficial and…
Jenny: Yeah! And I was like they are actually just like normal people. They’re grandmas who’s grand-kids tell them they look angry or what are you angry at me grandma? What’s wrong? And she feels fine its just she’s aging you know. It’s just yeah…
Nicea: Or they look like Nicea in her 30’s and need some little pick me ups.
Jenny: And preventing. They’re preventing. Prevention! That’s another reason why women do it now too because it’s more about maintaining not changing. It’s just preventing and maintaining.
Dr. Thompson: I think most of the people in my office are much younger than I am and I’ve done blepharoplasties on several of them.
Jenny: All of us in our 30’s. I was like I’m going to enjoy opened eyes while I can before I can’t see.
Reagan: That’s the name of the eye brow…
Dr. Thompson: Yes, the eyelid lift.
Reagan: The eyelid. The upper eyelid. And what did you call it?
Dr. Thompson: Blepharoplasty.
Nicea: Blepharoplasty.
Dr. Thompson: B L E P H… Blepharoplasty.
Jenny: Just snip a little skin off of the upper lid… an hour.
Nicea: When would you say Botox and filler… like people in their 20’s, 30’s? Is there an age that you would say is too young? Or does that depend?
Dr. Thompson: I would say all of those things depend. I would say Botox… I don’t think I’ve ever seen anybody that’s younger than their late twenties that I felt would benefit from Botox. But, I think you can go overboard and say hey I want to get Botox I just turned 20 I don’t have any reason to have Botox I think that’s when I would tell them let’s wait 5 years. We will have you come back and if you don’t do Botox for these 5 years it is not going to negatively impact the way that you age. I think it is important to wait until things start to happen or start to show up. But when you start to get a crease…
Jenny: But wear your sunscreen.
Dr. Thompson: Line. Yeah, do your sunscreen, do you skincare. There are so many things you can do to…
Reagan: I know but dang it all to heck I’m expressive. And you know it is not a positive thing on my face.
Nicea: Gosh golly I like to move my face.
Reagan: No, we laugh, we cry, we are yeah…
Nicea: Sometimes both. It’s all big. So it makes it where we have to do stuff more often.
Dr. Thompson: And I think somebody that is really expressive, you can soften the look slightly and they are able to…
Nicea: Are expressive.
Reagan: We really do. We have expression. I still know when you’re mad.
Jenny: You’re just not frozen.
Reagan: Okay, barely. You are barely mad right now. Where are we doing Botox? It used to be like your forehead, right? And now its kind of all over your face isn’t it?
Dr. Thompson: Yeah, it’s still the main… the most i would say commonly treated areas are around the eyes, the squint lines we also call the crows feet, the 11’s or the glabella and the forehead. Those are the big probably 3 most common places that we use Botox. Because Botox is a muscle paralyzer, temporary paralyzer and you know we go to the meetings and they’re like hey, just say relax because people don’t like the word paralyze. But it is, it’s what happens. It paralyzes the muscle temporarily, your body breaks it down and then it’s just back to normal. It’s really just like any other medication. People… I have people come in all the time and say yeah, I don’t want Botox that’s a poison or thats a toxin. I don’t want that. And it’s not different than any other injectable.
Reagan: Wait till you have it done. Then you’re like paralyze it, freeze it, kill it. I don’t care what you have to do.
Jenny: And it has been around so long it’s like one of the safest things it just sounds scary.
Dr. Thompson: It’s very safe. It has such a long record.
Reagan: I know then you’re sad when it’s gone. Where’s my poison? What just happened?
Jenny: It does give you a little pick me up.
Dr. Thompson: Where’s my poison.
Jenny: Pick me up poison. Yeah.
Dr. Thompson: But back to your questions. Those are the 3 common areas and also sometimes we’ll use it for neck bands, we’ll use it around the mouth for minor uses. There are people that have a really wide, square jaw and a lot of times those are people of asian descent or some people just have this strong muscle here. It’s one of the chewing muscles called the massetter. We can put Botox in that muscle and it will literally change the shape of the face so it’s less square and make it move oval which is much more youthful and feminine appearance.
Reagan: Fantastic.
Jenny: On that note, it’s your face it goes with you everywhere. I remember one patient who said she was deciding between a facelift and a new kitchen and she decided on the face because the face she takes everywhere, the kitchen she doesn’t. And I liked that.
Reagan: The kitchen is staying home.
Jenny: The kitchen stays home!
Reagan: You can go out to eat with that new face.
Jenny: It’s the first thing everyone sees and yeah you aren’t hiding it for sure at home. So yeah, that was a super fun topic. Thank you guys for joining us for more information visit or for more information on hair restoration options in Utah.