You probably know by now that your skin is the largest organ in your body. You were born with smooth and supple skin; yet, as time progresses, your skin will certainly wear out despite its constant regeneration every 21 to 28 days. Hence, the need for you to assist this regeneration. Chemical peels are one of the most popular cosmetic procedures to help improve the appearance of wrinkly and unevenly pigmented skin. Here at our Salt Lake plastic surgery practice, we want to help you get to know the basics of chemical peels.
Indications for Chemical Peels
So how does one figure out that chemical peels suit him/her well? By and large, chemical peels are effective in treating the following:
skin discoloration also known as hyperpigmentation
fine lines/ wrinkles
light sun damage
light freckles
minimal acne scars
large skin pores
Chemical Peel Variations
Chemical peels vary in strength — from light to medium to deep peeling. Some chemical peels are also combined while others may include just one chemical such as trichloroacetic or glycolic peels. A consultation with Dr. Thompson will help you determine which chemical peel strength and combination will suit you best.
What Happens During the Procedure
Chemical peels can be done in roughly 15 minutes. The number of sessions required will also depend on the type of chemical peel you choose.
The chemical solution will be applied to the target area during the procedure, this often involves the entire facial area. This is the time that the solution will most likely “peel and separate” the skin’s outermost layers which contain dead skin cells. Once the dead skin cells are separated, a new generation of skin cells will most likely be produced. A stinging sensation which could last for roughly 10 minutes during the procedure is quite normal.
Choosing Your Salt Lake Chemical Peel Provider
Let us help you choose which chemical peel is ideal for your skin. Get in touch with us by calling (801)776-2220 or by filling out this contact form! We look forward to helping you look and feel good!