Can Botox Make You Feel Happier?

It’s clear Botox works well to smooth wrinkles and treat signs of aging in the face and neck. Not only that but it’s proven to treat multiple medical issues, such as chronic pain and overactive bladder conditions.  But can Botox make you feel happier? Recent studies reported in an article in the Journal of Psychiatric Research say yes.

The clinical data from the article suggests that injecting Botox into the brow muscles can treat depression through proprioception. Plastic surgeon Dr. Paul Lorenc explains this to Cosmetic Surgery Times. “For example, the emotion of sadness is manifested by frowning in the glabellar lines. Removing these lines with neuromodulators eliminates the proprioception of sadness and the depression is lessened.”

This is no surprise to us here at Utah Facial Plastics as we’ve heard similar comments from patients regarding the emotional boost they feel 3-7 days following treatment, which is typically when the effects of Botox take effect. And when they start to wear off 3-4 months later, patients are eager to get back in.

“The majority of patients are extremely satisified with the results,” Dr. Lorence says. “Patients have a better sense of well-being and happniess. They feel more positive about their lives and feel more confident.”

Learn more about Botox for depression HERE.


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