Social Media Influencers and Lip Augmentation at Utah Facial Plastics

Utah Facial Plastics works with a number of bloggers and social influencers to provide beautiful lip augmentation results from a baby lip plump to a full pout, such as @tayavanessa and @whitraerush.

Lip augmentation has become so popular with so many celebrities and our bloggers are following suit. They come to us because we can really provide them with a great result whether they want something minimal, like a baby plump, up to a full pout.

@tayavanessa: “My favorite thing to get done is my lips”. @whitraerush: “The second favorite thing I like to get done at Utah Facial Plastics is lip filler. They give me the perfect pout and plump when I need it.”

Utah Facial Plastics has two board-certified facial plastic surgeons and three nurse injectors trained under and overseen by our surgeons. They all are skilled in lip augmentation, as it’s one of the most popular treatments at Utah Facial Plastics.

Lip Fillers

The most common lip fillers used at Utah Facial Plastics include Volbella, Juvederm Ultra and Juvederm Ultra Plus. Volbella is what is used to provide a ‘baby plump’. The syringe is smaller and it’s a thinner consistency so the results are more natural. Volbella is also great to fill in lines around the mouth (smoker’s lines).

Juvederm Ultra comes in a full 1.0 mL syringe and is average in consistency. The molecules attract water so it has a natural plumping effect when injected into the lips. Many of our injectors start with half a syringe and add more when the patient the is ready. Juvederm Ultra Plus is thicker in consistency is best for patients looking for a more full pout.

Lip filler treatment takes approximately 20-30 minutes in-office. We provide an extra strength numbing cream beforehand to make the process as comfortable as possible. A small needle is used to inject product into the lips and lasts 6-12 months on average.

Lip Filler Pricing

For a baby lip plump, the cost is $375 before any discounts or brilliant distinctions coupons. Juvederm Ultra is $560 and Ultra Plus is $610. Be sure to follow us on Instagram for updates on lip augmenation specials in Utah!

Call (801)776-2220 to learn more or to schedule an appointment with one of our lip augmentation specialists or contact us here.

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