What to expect the first 2 months after a facelift

During a facelift patient’s preoperative visit at Utah Facial Plastics we like to talk about the recovery process so each patient is prepared. Recovering after a facelift can be somewhat mentally and physically difficult but much less so when they know what to expect. Patients typically report the first week requiring the most downtime and then it gradually gets better from there. Keep in mind that the recovery process does vary from patient to patient, especially if additional procedures were included with surgery, such as eyelid surgery and/or fat injections.

Facelift Recovery Week 1

The first week post facelift surgery, patients experience low energy, minor pain, possibly some emotional ups and downs and concerns about not looking like themselves. Some patients even question their decision to proceed with surgery in the first place. Swelling and bruising peaks around 48 hours. It helps to sleep with your head elevated and avoid bending over. Patients also have drains in for 3-4 days following their facelift.

Facelift Recovery Week 2

By week 2, patients are starting to feel better and may get a little anxious for the healing process to be complete. Most patients are starting to see the skin settle and are enjoying their newly defined jaw and neckline! By day 10, all sutures are removed and bruising and swelling is still somewhat present and still resolving.

Facelift Recovery Week 3

Week 3 is a big milestone for most patients because they are really starting to feel and look great. Patients report feeling more confident and excited to show off their results at this point.

Facelift Recovery Week 4-5

These next couple of weeks are typically really great for most patients. Bruising is typically resolved but if not, it’s typically minor yellowing in the chest area that’s moving it’s way down.

Facelift Recovery Week 6-8

Most patients are getting ready for a vacation or even an event by this time in their facelift journey. Typically by this point, bruising and swelling has resolved completely and the patient is thrilled with their results. The incisions have faded to the point they are barely recognizable and will continue to fade for up to one year.

To learn more about the facelift recovery process, please call our office at (801) 776-2220 or contact us HERE.

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