Skintyte Pre & Post Care

Pre Care

  • No recent use of retinols, glycolic or photosensitizing products 5-7 days before treatment
  • Skin cannot be recently tanned or burned, also no self-tanners
  • No cold sores, open wounds, or other skin conditions in the area being treated
  • No Accutane use in the last 6 months
  • There is no evidence, but heat can possibly break down injectables. It is best to receive injections one month before this treatment or at least 1 week after.

Post Care

  • No retinol, manual/chemical exfoliation for 1 week
  • Avoid direct sun exposure for atleast 1 week, continued sun protection thereafter
  • Avoid exercise or saunas 24-48 hours after treatment
  • Skin may be red or sensitive after treatment. Cleanse and moisturize lightly with gentle products
  • Apply sunscreen daily when out to the treated areas.

Get Started

What happens in a consultation?

  1. Get to know your team.

  2. Help us understand you and your goals.

  3. Learn about our services and specialties.

How May We Help?

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