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Utah Facial Plastics is rated 5 out of 5.0 based on 57241 ratings.

The entire staff is amazing. Dr. Thompson is very detailed and personal. Highly recommend them all.
Caroline Olsen
The entire staff is amazing. Dr. Thompson is very detailed and personal. Highly recommend them all.
Caroline Olsen
The entire staff is amazing. Dr. Thompson is very detailed and personal. Highly recommend them all.
Caroline Olsen
The entire staff is amazing. Dr. Thompson is very detailed and personal. Highly recommend them all.
Caroline Olsen
The entire staff is amazing. Dr. Thompson is very detailed and personal. Highly recommend them all.
Caroline Olsen
The entire staff is amazing. Dr. Thompson is very detailed and personal. Highly recommend them all.
Caroline Olsen
The entire staff is amazing. Dr. Thompson is very detailed and personal. Highly recommend them all.
Caroline Olsen
The entire staff is amazing. Dr. Thompson is very detailed and personal. Highly recommend them all.
Caroline Olsen
The entire staff is amazing. Dr. Thompson is very detailed and personal. Highly recommend them all.
Caroline Olsen
The entire staff is amazing. Dr. Thompson is very detailed and personal. Highly recommend them all.
Caroline Olsen

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